We can ask that about anything and if the answer is no, then we can let go. It's kinda like a test to see what you really give a shit about.
We all know what it's like not give a shit, but what about the other feeling? When you're passionate, engaged or genuinely excited about something even if it might seem hard or challenging.
That moment when you're about to reach and give a shit. That's where the magic is.
Where's some of that magical shit in our wardrobes and closets? And how many of them would we miss if they were gone?
Not that many but we seem to hold on to them so tight. What happened if we let go of it all and only keep the magical shit?
Told you it's gonna get deep, and honestly not sure we're talking about life or fashion anymore but it's just true for either one.
Find what you give a shit about and let the rest go. You deserve the magical shit.