Golf course expansion is Approved by Oka’s municipality into Kanehsatake's land without their permission
The city threatens police intervention if protestors keep blockading the dirt road next to the golf course past July 9th.
Mohawk people responds by blockading a main bridge going thru their lands.
By anti-protestors while yelling "Savages"
All these events make Mohawks put differences aside and unite
That's the number of troops from the royal 22nd regiment deployed to the area
"6 feet under" Answers one of the warriors.
September 26th of the same year many warriors get arrested but the project is canceled bringing the crisis to an end.
That’s the year the last residential school closed in Saskatchewan
All the students including survivors were robbed of their language, dignity, and future.
They have told their stories with no filter, so the next generation remembers the resilience.
That's approximately the Indigenous population of Canada today after decades of horror and pain.
A Huron-Iroquois word meaning “village” or “settlement”. Ironically that aboriginal word through various events was changed to "Canada" the official name of the land.
You can displace them, burn their effigies, ridicule them, fight them, but you can never take away their roots. The place they belong.